is in sight, essentially what the Latin club has been
building up to all year. While you can find
general info here, refer to your Convention handbook for
the 411 on everything. Check out the official Convention
website on PVP's website here.
you remember what activities you signed up for at
registration? If you signed up for Latin Oratory or
Dramatic Interpretation for Convention activities, then
you'll need the speeches. But don't panic; they're
right here! Click the following links to jump to the
full Latin Oratory and Dramatic Interpretations online:
order to read the above oratory passages, Adobe Acrobat
Reader is required. Visit Adobe
to download the program.
From the Convention President
"[This] year’s convention will be held at Palos Verdes Peninsula High School on March 22-23, 2002. Located in southern Los Angeles, Palos Verdes Peninsula is a beautiful hill right next to the Pacific. From our school, you can get a panoramic view of the ocean and L.A. city. Like previous conventions, the main activities of next year’s convention will include academic testing, sport events, ludi games, and Certamen, among many others. While most activities are still under planning, I guarantee you that we at PVPHS will try our best to make the next year’s convention a very entertaining and memorable event for all participants. On behalf of our Latin Club, I would like to extend our warmest invitation to you."
- Kevin Lau, Convention President
Convention Facts
We are going to host Convention banquet at the Queen
We have invited Legio IX Hispana, a group of Roman army
re-enactors, to do some demonstrations.
A new academic test titled "Ancient Geography"
has been created.
Ultimate Frisbee will now be an activity.
The registration deadlines on Form IA are wrong. The
ones as stated in the white convention booklet are
correct. A new version of Form IA would be sent out with
the next issue of Nuntius.
The tentative convention program in the white booklet is
incorrect. On Saturday, the Swimming Competition is
listed twice. The second entry (1:00 P.M. - 3:15 P.M.)
should be Track Competition instead.
There is no longer a space program on the Queen Mary,
but early registration would be greatly appreciated.
If any sponsor is over 10 booklets short, please e-mail
the Convention Task Force at [email protected].
Honorable Mentions for select contests would be given
Passages for Latin Oratory, Boys and Girls Dramatic
Interpretation have been released. Check the Computer
Files Column.